
Critical Pedagogy is a philosophy of education that encourages the students to be critical towards their reality – its power structures, contradictions and flaws (Justas, 2022). Ideally, my preferred pedagogical dimension would be critical pedagogy. It is important to groom students such that they can challenge the status quo from a very early age. However, in practice, critical pedagogy needs to be implemented delicately by field experts with a large sense of unbiasedness so that students are not directed towards extreme ends of polarization. Therefore, practically, my preferred pedagogical dimension would be a blend of prescriptive and descriptive approach. Prescriptive approach describes a plan developed by assessing the needs of students that fulfill a desired goal or what is ought to happen. Descriptive approach, on the other hand, describes the process and the skills of what the students can do. It provides real life situation in the classroom by reconstructing the experiences and knowledge of the students (2020).

The curriculum that we follow binds us to use the prescriptive approach. In addition, basic knowledge and skills are a must in today’s dynamic world. The world needs dynamic candidates who justify the saying, “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” In order to groom students for the real world, it can sometimes be crucial to use prescriptive approach. It is also necessary to make students feel a sense of belongingness in the world (Bowen, 2021). Having said that, while fitting an individual to the pre-conceived notion of society, it is equally important to let an individual explore and grow on their own. A completely prescriptive approach can make students lost in a group/crowd. This is where the descriptive approach comes in play. By prescribing the absolute needed, the students have their basics correct. Now, via letting students explore and engage with their surroundings, they can create their own identity. The societal, cultural and environmental barriers may not always aid in facilitating descriptive pedagogy. In eastern philosophy, the youngers are always guided by elders in their actions. Saying no to someone or something is considered offensive in our culture (Haytova, 2022). Culture of following a prescribed set of instructions is rooted in Nepalese mindset. Hence, with various barriers into consideration, the holistic growth of students in various aspects while complying and addressing all the social barriers requires a blend of practices from all three pedagogy.

The implication of these pedagogical dimensions into my practice would mostly rely upon the balance that needs to be maintained while designing the end goal as well as day-to-day activities. The students are accustomed to the existing prescriptive approach and are hesitant towards descriptive approach. Proper clarity on which approach would be better in which scenario should be determined along with students’ involvement. A simple example could be of a high school student appearing SEE. Prescriptive approach needs to be taken to ensure better results while descriptive approach can aid in better learning which indirectly uplifts the goal of ranking high. Hence, my preferred pedagogical dimension would be a blend of all pedagogy with clear understanding and approach as per the requirement.


1. Bowen, J. (2021, October 21). Why is it important for students to feel a sense of belonging at school? 'Students choose to be in environments that make them feel a sense of fit,' says associate professor Deleon Gray. College of Education News. Retrieved April 18, 2023, from:
m sense-of-belonging-at-school-students-choose-to-be-in-environments-that-make-them-feel a-sense-of-fit-says-associate-professor-deleon-gra/
2. Haytova, N. (2022, December 2). Cultural differences: Saying "no" in India – how to read between the lines. Pulse of Asia. Retrieved April 18, 2023, from: between-the-lines/
3. Justas. (2022, July 25). Critical pedagogy: 8 key concepts you need to know. DNS The Necessary Teacher Training College. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from:
4. Reflection on descriptive and prescriptive curriculum. Studocu. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from : on-descriptive-and-prescriptive-curriculum/32421294
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m manila/education/reflection-on-descriptive-and-prescriptive-curriculum/32421294